

Dziś miałam ostatnie testy! Skończone! Już mam wakacje! Teraz czekamy na wyniki 5 lipca!
Już więcej czasu mogę poświęcić sobie i dla mojego bloga też!
Jest to spodziewany post.

Today I had last tests! Finished! already I have a holiday! Now we are waiting for the results of July 5!
Already more time I can spend myself and for my blog  too!
It's this expected post!
I present you a severals differents tumblr blogs, best for me :)
So, I have a tumblr account since two years I think but accualy I'm acctive since 2 months because I have more interest for this now and I know what I must use tumblr haha!
I show you my tumblr too and I hope that it's good.


meee! mine tumblr haha :) what's your opinion? 



⇨ lushlity 

⇨ allureable 

⇨ refreush 


⇨ ondasdsurf 


⇨ simplichity 

⇨ merhcy 

⇨ newendy  

⇨ naihve 

⇨ stormly 

⇨ vihxe 

⇨ pasifa 

⇨ highenoughtoseethesea 

⇨ youthique 

⇨ ow-tropicana 

⇨ streetsofvogue 

⇨ lunalus 

⇨ portobaiano 

⇨ lushxss 

⇨ eunhoia 

⇨ eruhption 

⇨ impuhlse 

⇨ rehticent 

I hope that you like my new post, and that I made well montage with these cool profile! 

See you soon! See you soon! 


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